For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe. He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing. Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt. Deut. 10:17-19
Humble Beginnings
Ssemanda Yusufu was a street kid in Uganda, an orphan who was surviving day to day by begging for his food and eventually came to faith in Jesus on the streets. God has called Ssemanda to be a "Dad For All Kids" - to reach those very same street kids with a message of Hope in the midst of very dire circumstances. According to Unicef, there are over 3 million orphans in Uganda, and many have been abandoned to the streets due to AIDs, poverty, broken homes, death of parents, it's tragic.
SSemanda started Divine Care Orphanage, and now him and the 30 kids have been living in a rented structure but need a permanent place to live. These funds will be used to finish the permanent home for these kids that was started back in 2020. Over the past 24+ months, we've purchased the land which will be used for farming and the home, and started building the home, to give these children hope for a better tomorrow. One of our callings in life is to "Be a Voice, for those who have no Voice". To speak up and care for the Orphans, I hope and pray you will join us on this journey. Any donation is greatly appreciated. |
Partner Spotlight - Jason & Sarah Leist
In 2017 our oldest son Luke was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor and our whole community was praying for us. They collected a financial offering and gave it to us. We felt led to give to the Lord a portion of this offering. About this time I had seen some posts from Ssemanda of Divine Child Care Orphanage that they had several needs. We prayed about giving to them but wasn't sure. Finally the Lord led us to send them some support and we started building a relationship with them that continues to this day.